Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Systems Modelling - First Lecture and Practical

Hello! Welcome to my blog which will follow my progress through the Game Engine Technology: Systems Modelling module at Anglia Ruskin university.

I've just sat through the first lecture of the Systems Modelling module. It was interesting to find out that we are going to create a small first person type game in Unreal Engine, as well as learn to create a weapon model using Maya.

I'm looking forward to getting to grips with Unreal, after spending a large amount of time with Unity last year. I've used the Unreal Engine briefly a few years ago, simply following some tutorials, but hopefully can produce something more interesting this time.

I'm also looking forward to creating some 3D models with Maya. Over the summer I experimented with blender a bit, again completing tutorials with some nice results. Hopefully I can build on this with Maya, and incorporate the models within my game.